Icarus at the Edge of Time
Icarus at the Edge of Time is a futuristic reimagining of the classic Greek myth. This time, rather than wax wings and a journey too near the Sun a boy ventures through deep space and challenges the awesome power of black holes. The fable dramatizes the startling implications of what is perhaps Einstein’s greatest insight.
Praise for Icarus at the Edge of Time
“Terrific…Page after page shows gorgeous, swirling color set in the blackness of infinity…Against these stunning visuals is a retelling of the classical myth of Icarus.”
–Wall Street Journal
“Do your part to get kids psyched about science with physicist Brian Greene’s Icarus at the Edge of Time, a futuristic fable that will take you and your budding scientists to the ends of the universe and back. Full-color photos from the Hubble Space Telescope bring the beauty of the cosmos right to your fingertips.”
–Parade Magazine
“A perfect book for smart parents to read to smart children. Plus, it will make all concerned even smarter.”
–Washington Post
“Moving and successful . . . Beautifully illustrated . . . The images frame the deep and complex thought at the heart of the tale . . . [Greene] weaves the wonder of modern physics through the fabric of his story–and thus enables his readers to confront its strangeness themselves.”
–Seed Magazine
“Greene offers an ingenious transposition of the Icarus myth for the modern era.”
—Publisher’s Weekly